Title: Sucker for Love: First Date Genre: Simulation – Visual Novel – Narrative Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Release date: January 20, 2022 Company: Akabaka / DreadXP

About This Game


Obsessed with occult rituals, you have finally obtained the last thing you need to summon the eldritch horror that has been haunting your dreams; a strange, bright-pink Necronomicon. You perform the only ritual that doesn’t appear to be insane ramblings, and inadvertently summon Ln’eta, a cute cthulhu-like girl. She agrees to a kiss, on the condition that you perform a few rituals from the book for her first. Looking back at the Necronomicon… all of the other pages suddenly make sense? – Three chapters of laughs, screams, and tears, all in one thick package! – Every decision you make will significantly affect gameplay and determine which ending you arrive at! – Immersive re-imagining of the visual novel genre loaded with gameplay! – “Three” “fully-voiced” “dateable” “girls” – A stylish artistic/musical direction reminiscent of old-school anime and dating sims! – No horror elements or danger whatsoever

System Requirements

Minimum Requirements: System: Windows 7 Memory: 4 GB RAM

Game Media

ScreenShots from the Game:

Video/s from the Game:

Additional Information

FREE GOG PC GAMES PRESENTS Sucker for Love: First Date (c) Akabaka / DreadXP Obsessed with occult rituals, you have finally obtained the last thing you need to summon the eldritch horror that has been haunting your dreams; a strange, bright-pink Necronomicon. You perform the only ritual that doesn’t appear to be insane ramblings, and inadvertently summon Ln’eta, a cute cthulhu-like girl. More info here: https://www.gog.com/en/game/sucker_for_love_first_date How to Download and Install

Download Sucker for Love: First Date Here⇩

Size: 1.71 GB Sucker for Love: First Date v2.21 [GOG] Old Link/s: No old link available at the moment

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